Nikka Coffey Grain Whisky
ABV: 45% | Country: Japan | Age:
Nikka Coffey Grain is a grain whisky, which is typically used for blending, but rarely bottled on its own. The secret behind Nikka’s grain whisky is its unique flavor generated by Coffey stills, which are traditional continuous stills patented by Aneas Coffey in the 1830s. The rich corn and touch of honeyed citrus taste of Coffey Grain is also excellent in cocktails.
Tasting Notes
Aroma: Notes of tropical fruits, coconut and banana.
Palate: A rich, soft, sweet flavor with a hint of vanilla wafer.
Finish: A delicate finish with a touch of honeyed citrus.
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Nikka Coffey Grain Whisky
Sale price$64.99