Shipping and Delivery Policy

  • Orders only fulfill to the continental US only.
  • Please note we cannot ship to a PO Box.
  • Orders are fulfilled in 3-5 days. Standard delivery can take another 3-8 business days, depending on location. Your product will be delivered straight to your door and any order containing alcohol will require an adult signature and ID check upon delivery.
  • Who will ship my product? Our product is being shipped by a 3rd party partner (AccelPay's retailer network).
  • Orders containing alcohol are fulfilled by licensed 3rd party retailers in the AccelPay network. Retailers use a variety of fulfillment carriers including GLS and UPS.
  • If your order contains both alcohol and merchandise, they will be sent in separate shipments.


  • Delivery Attempts: Our delivery service will make up to three attempts to deliver the package to the intended recipient at the provided address.
  • Undeliverable Package: If the package remains undeliverable after three delivery attempts, it will be deemed “undeliverable” and returned to the retailer.
  • Recipient Responsibility: The recipient of the undeliverable package will be responsible for paying the following fees:
    • If a refund is requested, the recipient would be charged an Undeliverable Package Fee, a flat fee of $25, which will be deducted from their refund.
    • Original shipping cost is non-refundable.
    • If a Reshipment is requested, a flat fee of $40 will be charged to cover both the reshipment and the undeliverable package fee.
    • Other fees may apply due to order contents.